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The Windsor Lions Club Message in a Bottle scheme is a simple idea designed to encourage vulnerable people to keep their basic personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location where they can be easily found in an emergency, normally the fridge.

The scheme, which has been running for some time now, is expanding across the UK. There is NO COST to the user; all the costs of running the scheme is raised by the local Lions Clubs and their sponsors as part of Lions Caring for the Community.

This is NOT designed to replace the MEDIC ALERT bracelet or any other similar medical identification scheme, and if the participant has a specific medical condition then they should CONTINUE to wear it.


  1. Place one of the green stickers on the inside of the front door.

  2. Place the second green sticker on the fridge door.

  3. Fill in the form putting all the relevant details.

  4. Then finally place the form and any repeat prescriptions inside the bottle and put it inside the door of your Fridge.

What information is stored in the Bottle?

  1. The information is very basic, but the information could help save your life.

  2. Your full name and a brief physical description.

  3. Your doctor’s name, surgery’s address and telephone number*. 

  4. A brief description of any medicinal conditions, allergies and allergic reaction to medication.

  5. A list of repeat prescriptions.

  6. The location of your medication in your home.

  7. The name, address and phone number of at least 2 people who may be contacted in any emergency; e.g. next of kin or friend.

  8. Details of any pets that may be on the premises that need looking after.

*If more than one person lives in the house, only one bottle is needed, but each member of the household should complete a separate form, which should have a passport type photo attached.

Why the fridge?

All households have a fridge. It enables the Emergency Services to find the details quickly and easily. In the event of fire, the contents of the fridge are protected longer.


Following the great success of the Message in a Bottle scheme, we are delighted to announce the new Message in a Wallet. The Bottle has proven itself time again in the home and has been widely supported by paramedics who can find your medical details quickly when the Bottle is used and kept in the fridge. Building on this success the Wallet scheme was born.


The purpose is to provide the same quick and simple access to medical details which are kept in your wallet or purse.

If you are are doctors surgery, day centre or service organisation and would like to display or distribute the Wallets or Bottles, please get in touch.

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