This major charity event allows you to raise funds for your nominated organisation by entering a team or multiple teams of swimmers – as many teams as you like – to swim for 55 minutes gaining sponsorship for their efforts, whilst having a great time.
Participation in the event is very simple. All you have to do is recruit a team who will swim by rotation. Each team member should aim to collect as much sponsorship as possible to be donated to the charity or good cause of your choice.
Windsor Lions organise the whole event – all you have to do is enter, get sponsorship and swim!
Who is welcome?
Everyone is welcome – all ages and all abilities. The youngest swimmer so far has been 5 years old, and the oldest - well it would be impolite to say. We have had Olympic standard swimmers and even a swimmer who couldn't swim but braved the pool with floatations. Just do the best that you can do!
However, a Parental/Guardian consent form has to be completed for all Junior swimmers aged sixteen or under on day of the Swimathon.
Who do you swim with?
Swim with your charity, school, family, company, club or as individuals. Create inter-team challenges or just swim because you feel like it!
Teams swim for 55 minutes in a relay format, adults swim a Lap (up to end and back to start). Young children can swim 1 length (25 Metres), with another child swimming the return length.
Any swimmer under 8 years old, or if a swimmer is not confident in the water, can have up to two adults in their lane to provide assistance.
How do you raise money?
All you need to do is obtain sponsorship from family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, whoever..... The more sponsorship the better!
Over the years our heroic swimmers have raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for great causes, so get involved and you can be the next hero.
How much does it cost?
There is a Registration Fee £15 per team to enter.
Where can I buy refreshments and food?
GeeGees, a mobile catering company, will be there to provide drinks and snacks.
More FAQs
Further questions and answers, such as how to pay, Gift Aid and consent forms are available on the booking site. If your question is not there, please email us.
There are prizes awarded in a presentation evening (at a later date) for:
Best sponsored swimmer under 16
Best sponsored team under 16
Best sponsored swimmer over 16
Best sponsored team over 16